Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine.
  • Team Finance.
  • Pizza parties.
  • Donuts.
  • Walking around the block in nice weather.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The decrease of interruptions this week, which leads to the ability to focus.
  • My friend Matt Powell's membership interview last night!
  • Two people from our CG are getting baptized on Sunday.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny Days
  • Rainy Days
  • Everyday!
  • Community group

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Grace, as I put Jesus on the cross.
  • Love, as I feel supported and on the same team as my fiance'.
  • Teamwork, which is growing in our department.
  • Friendship, which has been growing in our community.
  • Service, to hear that queen anne is putting in anti-graffit paint in counterbalance park. Awesome.

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Fun blogs that make me laugh
  • Friends who come over for dinner and give me decor advice
  • Easter

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Cowboy hat that make me look over seven feet tall.
  • Walking around barefoot Saturday afternoon.
  • Yummy fruit.
  • My red stapler.
  • Singing songs in the car.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus! Who is teaching me to "Be" first then "Do", rather than "Do" then "Be"!
  • Top Pot Doughnuts and Cafe' Vita Coffee!
  • Playing Ultimate in 40 degrees, wind, and rain. It's not really "Ultimate"!
  • Conversations with the parents with regards to Wedding Planning!
  • My Fiancee'!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • William's first Birthday!
  • Birthday cake!
  • William attacking the cake with both hands!
  • Cake all over William! :)
  • William smiles over his accomplishment and artwork! :)

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Godly parents
  • Spring - new growth and flowers
  • My home

Friday, March 26, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The HBO show "Band of Brothers".
  • Orange juice... with pulp.
  • Amanda taking care of me.
  • Taking care of Amanda.
  • The excitement Amanda has for spontaneously deciding to go see George Strait in concert tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kristin is Grateful!

  • Getting to see the baby's heartbeat today and seeing the little bugger!
  • new bigger home!
  • I am so grateful for naps!
  • I am grateful that we get to go to the movie next week and dinner! yahoo!

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Jesus
  • Husband who is funny, faithful and hard-working
  • Two healthy darling boys who delight and exasperate me daily
  • Being on a team (fun), being on a team that loves Jesus (awesome!)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Husky Basketball!
  • Husky Football!
  • Anything to do with the University of Washington! :)

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sleeping in until noon on occasion.
  • Warm bed to sleep in.
  • The ability to seek God's wisdom at any time, at any place, under any circumstances.
  • Dave Kraft's book "Leader Who Last".
  • Amanda knowing my favorites and constantly blessing me... "that counts."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine
  • Warm weather
  • The Mondo Burrito!
  • Two Punch Monday at Taco Del Mar! :)

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus and the Cross.
  • Identity not in my career.
  • Ability to work hard, out of my identity in Jesus.
  • Teamwork. I love teams.
  • Friendships. Gotta have them.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The Trunk Monkey - I hope this makes the HR email, 'Just for Fun' link (click the link for good laughs).
  • Discovering new and meaningful aspects of a scripture that I have already read many times.
  • Fantastic wedding last Friday.
  • Ferry trips to Bainbridge Island.
  • Dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' :-)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus.
  • Engagement with Natalie.
  • Weddings.
  • Trainings.
  • Community.

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • Wife
  • Child
  • Housing
  • Job

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The start of Spring - what is that yellow orb in the sky?
  • My loving wife.
  • Sharing withholds with Amanda and coming closer together.
  • Team Finance, we know how to party :-)
  • Giving kids hi-fives!