Thursday, March 31, 2011

Past time period you'd love to live in?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Theme song that plays when you enter a room?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You're a spy - what's your alias?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Magazines you subscribe to?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kyle is Grateful For...

  • Ubertavern
  • Beer
  • Sounders
  • Old cassette tapes of cheesy Christian rock bands
Household chore you dislike the most?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • 1040s done - for me and roomie!
  • New budget
  • Prayer
  • A full pantry and fridge
Chocolate - dark, milk or white?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Favorite kind of sporting event to attend?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Morning person or night owl?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Professional Wrestler - what's your ring name?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Favorite breakfast food?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • Coupons and discounts galore!
  • An abundance of good food - that is evidence of grace!
  • Starting the day with sun and The Son/the Word
  • Thursday -> one day closer to FRIDAY!

Mark is Grateful for:

  1. a God who not only forgives us when we trip and fall, but invites us home to himself, the solution
  2. Tim Keller, for creative and insightful words that boost my affection for this God
  3. friends that know how to get out of the way to point people to Jesus

Shane is Grateful for...

  • March Madness live brackets online (I never fill one out, but like to see how all of UW's potential opponents are doing)
  • Halls Mentho-Lyptus Cherry cough drops
  • My Skullcandy earbuds, for when I need to crush
Wake up to music or a buzzer?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Amanda is Grateful for:

  • Run Kid Run - My Sweet Escape in the iTunes Shuffle
  • Potstickers, The Prince & The Frog, and sweet fellowship with miss Jessica Nguyen :D
  • Random and loving texts from my best friend in MT
  • Awesome co-workers who make me laugh!
  • A sovereign God who is always with me :D :D

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • Slumber parties
  • Legit dentist - Thomas Vo if y'all are looking for one!
  • Starbucks breakfast
Fashion trend you would bring back?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All-time favorite movie line?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Zack - especially when he sneezes :-)
  • Patience when Zack is unhappy even after I have tried everything.
  • Hot chocolate on a cold day.
  • Meals from friends.
  • Online sermons.
Famous person you've met?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Amanda is Grateful for:

  • breaking up into smaller groups at CG on Wednesday (since we average 25-30 people) in preparation for replication, and then hearing from numerous people that they loved making more intimate connections :D :D
  • Meeting with Deacon Mike Davis at FDW on Sunday before church to discuss me possibly being the admin for FDW CG's
  • Huskies beating the Cougars last night
  • God's peace in the midst of a tough week
  • New encouraging friendships
  • watching the Graf kiddos tomorrow!
Really hot or really cold?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kyle is Grateful For...

  • No more Costco
  • Awesome staff conference the other day, God has blessed us with incredible leaders
  • Being blessed with a loving father and mother
  • June 25th is one day closer
You're room is usually clean or messy?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Finally getting a good night sleep
  • Answered prayers about a good night sleep :)
  • A new and encouraging book: Fearlessly Feminine
  • 6 weeks left until baby Isla!
glass half empty or half full?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • Hope!
  • Skiing
  • Laughs and making/reliving good memories with community
  • Volunteer Park Cafe
  • CG tonight - missing one week feels like missing one month

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Finished 1040 for 2010, woot woot!
  • Family to come home to
  • Seeing my boys getting more active
  • TF
Modern convenience you couldn't live without?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Shane is Grateful for...

  • New faces and encouraging words at Community Group
  • Relaxing game nights with friends
  • "The Cloud"
  • My first ever moleskine... had it a week, and I already feel like I'm fitting in better at church

Amanda is Grateful for:

  • An Awesome CG Leader+Wife who have become great friends
  • Ladies group tomorrow morning
  • Seeing the best cousins in the world a lot this weekend :D :D
  • End of Quarter is near!!
  • Free stuff from Trader Joe's!
Punctuation mark that describes your personality?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Something you have of sentimental value?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • Prayer. Lots of prayers from lots of people who love Jesus.
  • Grace.
  • Providence.
  • Amazing friends.
  • Love I don't deserve.
  • Honest conversations.
Ultimate vacation?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dessert that describes you best? Why?