Thursday, April 22, 2010

Question of the Day:

Have you every driven a Jeep? When? Where?


  1. Nope, never. That's kinda sad. Although there aren't many good places to off-road in Chicago. Or in IL or the midwest for that matter. :)

  2. I've driven a Jeep Wrangler 4X4 through flooded bean fields in the Mississippi backwaters.... I've driven through Louisiana swamps... I've also driven a Jeep around boulders and water rushing over road in Maui.... I've driven a Jeep Cherokee 4X4 in Vermont through several feet of snow in the mountains.... I think that covers it...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yep. Used to own a Jeep for 9 years. We went skiing, camping, and backpacking with it. I also drove it from Seattle, to Montana, to Cleveland, to Washington D.C., to Houston. I gave it up on its second rebuilt engine.

  5. Yep, I owned a '92 red Jeep Cherokee in college. Still one of my favorite card I've owned. My dad borrowed it once, got hit, and totaled the car.

  6. Yeah - Justin has a huge off-roading jeep. I drove it around Greenlake (my first off-road experience, jk). Will likely drive more in the future...
