Friday, May 21, 2010

Question of the Day:

Funniest thing that ever happened to you on a date?


  1. I had to get my Gold 1986 Buick Century (piece of junk) jump started in the parking lot after dinner. Not 'Ha Ha' funny, but funny in retrospect :-).

  2. In highschool, I took a gal out when I was 16 yrs old to Baton Rouge (the big city) to go to the movies... We drove around town for about 2.5 hrs, because I couldn't actually find the movies... (We missed the flick)

    Not only that but I almost ran some really big guys of a different ethnic background off the road while attempting to merge onto an off ramp bending the passenger side review mirror towards my date. It scared the crap out of her and she was screaming, because these big guys were face to face with her screaming profanities....

    She was very gracious... but I was really embarrassed... However, she did go out with me again! lol

  3. I was reminded that I had taken her out before 10 years prior. :)

  4. Passing Gas and owning up to it.
