Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Question of the Day:

Longest time you have been without showering? Why?


  1. It will be this weekend- 3 days w/o showering. Car camping. This will be an experience. And I promise to wipe up if I tripod in the bathroom. :)

  2. Almost a week - I was living in Peru. No hot water means you don't have the desire to shower too often.

  3. 5-6 years of my childhood... ( We didn't have a shower and I didn't know anyone who did... We take baths in Southern Louisiana...)

    On a serious note, I've probably only gone a few days camping etc... but I was always near the ocean, a lake, or a river to dive in...

  4. Went to Thailand in high school on a mission trip, I think it was like 5 days w/out a proper shower. Just an aside, where we were in the village, women bathe downstream from the men, not cool.
