Monday, May 24, 2010

Question of the Day:

What is the oldest piece of clothing that you still wear? How old is it?


  1. I have some old tshirts from boarding school with slogans we would chant against our rival school in football - I wear one maybe once a year. One shirt says, "if you can't take a hit, stay off the grass." Not sure how this one got the high school administration's approval. To be fair, I didn't get the joke until much later in life. :-)

  2. 9th grade = 14 years ago

    Christian T-Shirt Slogan

    3 nails + Cross + Sin's of the world = SAVIOUR of the World

  3. A jacket that is 19 years old. I used to wear it out, but now my wife only allows me to wear it when gardening. :)

  4. Got it at age 16 = 16 years ago. t-shirt from the dance school where I took tap, ballet, and jazz from grade school through high school. I finally had to let it go when I moved out here- I worked out in it all the time and it was getting nasty and falling apart. :)

  5. So I got this red sleeveless t-shirt from Old Navy for $1 like 10 years ago which I wear in the summer. I thought sure the Chinese craftmanship would've given out by now, but still going strong. Maybe because we have 6 week of summer so it doesn't get much play in my wardrobe. :)

  6. Dr. Maartens from 7th Grade. 12 years.

  7. Gee, I guess my oldest piece of clothing would be some PJ pants I've had since college. What can I say? I like to purge my closet.
