Friday, June 4, 2010

Earliest childhood memory?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I always wondered how my elderly neighbor could walk fast than me with 1 leg on crutches... Years later momma told me that I was a toddler and had just learned to walk... so... around about 2yrs old.

  3. I remember a buffalo on the side of the road when we lived in South Dakota where my dad had a pastorate. My memory begins in South Dakota actually, snippets of things, playing hi-ho cherrio at the neighbors and setting my hair on fire by accident when folks were over after church. That was drama! I just wanted to see if my napkin would burn if I put it into the candle flame. I wasn't hurt, no worries, but you shoulda seen my mom's face! I was around 3.

  4. Dumping a jar of pickles into the heating vent of our apartment. My parents say this never happened, but my memory wants to disagree :-).

  5. 3-ish, maybe 4. My trike and parents telling me I'd have a baby sister and not really understanding it quite yet. :)

  6. 3, i think (i don't remember ;) )...the checkard kitchen floor. My bro having to make my bed cuz i was too little. The grass in our backyard, hot tub & dog.
