Monday, August 9, 2010

Are you a procrastinator? What do you procrastinate from? How do you overcome it?


  1. In the past I have procrastinated from my "to do" list at home. I have learned to stay on top of things by having to set goals with due dates and I have to make a daily to do list. This may sound crazy, but I have to do this to keep myself on track.

  2. On projects that I say will just take a couple of minutes but deep down I know will take much longer. I end up setting a timer for 15 minutes and tell myself I am free to quit after 15. 70% of the time I'm on a roll and keep working once the 15 minutes is up.

  3. I have had to repent of the to-do list as I get legalistic about it. As partakers of grace, we are free to give ourselves some, too! I try and focus on doing something everyday. I always set way more aggresive goals than are achievable, so now instead of saying I'm going to clean the bathrooms, I say I'm going to clean the toilets and be glad when that's accomplished. The next day may be floors or nothing. I do get convicted that I'm lazy with laundry, though, so working on that. :)

  4. It took me like 3 days to do this. Haha! Yes, I'm a procrastinator! I decided to break down my to-do list so the task doesn't seem so big. Then as I check things off the list it helps me know I'm finishing it piece by piece!
