Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How long should out of town guests stay at your house?


  1. I think four nights is the right amount of time. After that you are ready for them to leave. Regardless though, if they are going to stay at your place, they should offer to help out around the house.

  2. Are you speaking from current experience AJ? :)

    I haven't had anyone come stay for awhile and certainly not longer than 4 nights so I can't confirm or deny. What's the saying about guests and fish start to stink after 3 days or something. hee hee

  3. Gosh, I've only lived in little apartments. It seems like 3-5 nights is the right amount. No one has ever wanted to stay more than a couple nights in tiny living quarters! Although...that just made me think of my friends who just had parents/in-laws stay for like 7 or 8 days in their tiny condo! Eeeek!
    AJ, hope your houseguests aren't driving you batty. :)
