Monday, February 21, 2011

clubs you did in High School?


  1. Key Club, DECA, Environmental Club, Swim, Gymnastics, Tennis, FBLA, and dabbled in a few others. (i was an "overachiever" who found my identity in DOING and not what Christ DID)

  2. Annual staff, Choir and touring Choir, Band, ASB, I was an RA (Resident Assistant) in high school (boarding school).

  3. I did Key Club as well Jessica, also I did FCCLA (Future Career & Community Leaders of America). My favorite by far though was BPA - Business Professionals of America. We literally competed in events that revolved around how quickly and effectively you could complete word documents, spreadsheet analysis in excel, and create databases and queries in Access! There were other events that dealt with accounting processes or small business management. Basically - we were all MAJOR geeks - and it was fabulous! I was on the board for my last three years and went to Nationals twice :)Oh High School...

  4. atta boy Shane. love the brevity.

    Soccer, Peer Counselors, Young Life, Band/pep band (for a year)

  5. Just for the record, I did YL too, although I wasn't considering it a club, it's way better than anything else I did - I <3 YL :)
