Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Favorite teacher and why?


  1. Tough choice, but I think Mrs. Wilson, my 1st grade teacher. I remember that she smelled so good and would always play the Beach Boys when we were doing our work. :)

  2. Definitely Mr. Haas, my high school sophomore year math teacher. He called us pilgrims, talked to himself, made fun of himself and yelped loudly like a small dog or picked up desks and slammed them down when people were sleeping in class. He also had an eye-patch and made a habit of smacking me with his briefcase when he passed me in the halls.

  3. Either my sophmore year's Humanities Teacher Karlene Johnson or my Bill Wells at the U.W. Both teachers had very high standards and demanded a lot of work, but they wanted you to achieve if you put in the work. I am very thankful for them!
