Monday, February 28, 2011

Middle name? Do you know why?


  1. Nelson. My uncle was Nelson Jackson, my grandfather was Nelson Jackson, my great grandfather was Nelson Jackson. Zack would have been Nelson if my brother had not named his first son Nelson. :-)

  2. LOL Jackson!

    Ruth is my grandmother's (Dad's mom) and also my aunt's name (Dad's sister). I never liked the name when I was younger but now I do. I like that when middle names refer to the larger family line.

  3. Michael... Grandfather's first name (dad's side)

  4. Marie - just because my mom thought it "sounded pretty."

    Mark - Miami Vice?! Love it!

  5. Ray. Also like many of you guys it has a family tradition attached. It was my Great-Grandfather's, Grandmother's and Father's middle name - so every generation it's switched girl/boy. I would love to have a son so I can give him the middle name Ray and pass along the tradition. I especially want to carry this on because the Rees last name ends with my sister and I.
