Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Since we have new staff...Is there a story behind your name? What is it?


  1. My parents wanted to name me Sean, but my dad refused to spell it like a girl (Shawn), and my mom didn't think Sean was a legitimate spelling... They compromised...

  2. I was named after a character on a soap opera my mom watched lol :P I also like to think though that they picked it partially because of it's meaning, "Worthy of Love" :D

  3. My name is Hebrew, and I think it means "wisdom and wealth" but my parents chose it b/c there was a news anchor they really liked named Jessica.. haha..

  4. I was supposed to be a boy, a "junior" as my Dad's name is Dan. Danelle was the compromise.

  5. it's in the Bible. but I don't think that had anything to do with the naming.

    as for my last name--just to clear this up once for all--the background is English. comes from the word "palfrey," which was a small riding horse. therefore, the "palfreyman" was the person that took care of it. at some point the Y was replaced with a second E. naturally, you can see from its origin that anyone who puts the emphasis on the FREE would be incorrect (Job). rather, the pronunciation in its original context would have been something more like PAUL-freh-muhn... which I am trying my best to preserve.
