Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You're getting a tattoo, what's it look like or say?


  1. My tattoo would be a large pointing index finger along with: 'Amortize That!'

  2. The word "Bicep" in helvetica font...On my bicep.

  3. I already have two. One is a cross on the inside of my left wrist. The other is an upside down crown on the inside of my right ankle - in reference to Revelation 4, when the elders cast their crowns down before Jesus' throne and said, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God,to receive glory and honor and power,
    for you created all things,
    and by your will they existed and were created.” (Rev. 4:11).

    No other tattoo plans, but I'm not opposed to it.

  4. I have considered getting a word written in hebrew on the inside of my wrist, in white ink :) However, I'm a wuss and am afraid of the pain, and they can be expensive, so I don't know if it will ever happen :P

  5. I want to get a phrase ("Christ is my Redeemer") in Greek on my back. I'm still trying to figure out the grammar, but it will look something like this: http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en&q=%22Christ+is+my+redeemer%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sl=en&tl=el&sa=X&ei=nCBBTZbZH5GmsQO_56GYCg&ved=0CBYQrgYwAA#

  6. LOL Jarrod and Jackson!

    Wow, taking me back to age 22 where I was actually going to get a sword w/runic symbols on the blade. Can't remember where I planned to put it now. Decided against inscribing pagan symbols on my flesh, which was a first indication that the HS was convicting me that I was not my own, a rare moment of spiritual clarity at that point in my life.

  7. Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone... represented by a cross (christ) with faith spelled vertically, and grace spelled horizontally (through) it... Inner forearm

    Take the Jesus fish, and spell out GRACE through it, so the "nose" of the fish is the left of the G, and the tail fits the E in it... You can only read it if you look close enough though... Probably inner wrist

    Might get one, might get both... someday

  8. Next Gold Star Outing = trip to Super Genius Tattoo Shop? Owner is a member (Deacon?) at MH Downtown and is one of the top in the nation.... :)
