Friday, April 30, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Pizza night at home.
  • Hanging out with Amanda.
  • Continuing to learn.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Weekends. I need rest and regeneration with the Holy Spirit.
  • Date Night. I am looking forward to a date night with Natalie.
  • Team Work. I am excited for our team work over the last couple of weeks.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Good health.
  • Wonderful marriage.
  • Kick butt team.
  • Loving family.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Forgiveness.
  • Reconciliation.
  • Regeneration.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sleeping like a rock last night
  • My Chiropractor...again
  • Insurance
  • Family
  • Bible discussions

Question of the Day:

Peanut butter & jelly sandwich or cheese sandwich?

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • A good night's sleep.
  • Date night on Saturday.
  • Explosions in the Sky on Pandora.
  • Getting to see some old friends tomorrow.
  • The Psalms.

Danelle is grateful for

  • My sons' cheerfulness
  • That God brought me to MHC-Staff
  • Retail therapy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Seattle Restaurant Week = Cheap Salties dinner!
  • Women's prayer day, great study!
  • Wedding pics came in and are amazing!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus.
  • Relaxation.
  • Regeneration.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Kutless concert.
  • Hard work paying off.
  • Red stapler. :-)
  • Excel spreadsheets - geeky, I know.

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Swimming pools
  • Good work outs
  • Sports in general

Question of the Day:

What was your favorite childhood toy?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Brownies
  • Moose Tracks Ice Cream
  • Pretty much any dessert

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • A sunny drive to work
  • Encouraging Scriptures
  • My husband that praying over me
  • That God is determined to make me more like Jesus

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Protection in car accident Sat
  • Chiropractors
  • Movies
  • Reese's peanut butter chips - make some excellent cookies!

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Finishing Tasks
  • Groupon
  • Friends to vacation with

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Double-sized room on the 43rd floor of the Westin... $75.
  • Parking for Tom to visit... $12 (plus $20 of scam tax).
  • Playing Texas Hold'em with great friends while overlooking Seattle... Priceless.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Opening Day of Fishing
  • Catching small trout
  • Having a great time with the guys while fishing

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My 2-yr old telling me daily, "Momma, I yuvva you"
  • Faith
  • Friendly neighbors

Question of the Day:

Did you become a Christian at Mars Hill?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The City Church
  • Learning from other professionals
  • Geeking out with others

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Screencasts
  • Weekends
  • Friends and family

Question of the Day:

What's the weirdest food you have eaten?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Financial Peace University (FPU).
  • Being debt-free.
  • The God-given desire to help people.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Trader Joe's, they help dinners be fast, good, easy, and cheap
  • Label printer = fast, easy organization
  • Pivot tables

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • my husband being a good planner
  • Mighty-O Doughnut Thursdays
  • That Thursdays are my Fridays

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • The Golden Arches
  • The Egg McMuffin
  • Hot Cakes and Sausage

Danelle is Grateful fo

  • The Japanese Maple in my front yard, it's glorious
  • Colors
  • The show Parenthood, actors are amazing

Question of the Day:

Have you every driven a Jeep? When? Where?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Lake City letting a non-prof use their building this Sat
  • Dark Chocolate
  • My college small group

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Team. I am grateful for our team in the finance department.
  • Training. AICPA Annual Update for Controllers.
  • Technology. The ability to have instant access to technical information makes learning so easy and affordable.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Really moving John Piper sermon I listented to in the car this morning
  • Getting our own space for a week while house sitting for my parents!
  • A quiet rainy day.

Question of the Day:

Toothpaste: Squeeze from Top or Bottom?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • A relaxful weekend.
  • Spartacus the TV show, very entertaining, kinda gruesome
  • Justin, he makes me laugh, smile, etc.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. Prayed over a new Christian in our group yesterday! Praise!
  • Training. Getting trained in Bellevue.
  • Friends. Fellowship is so important in my life.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Tidy yard
  • A home
  • Family

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Warm spring days
  • 4 Hours of relaxation @Habitude yesterday
  • Living Social and Groupon (see previous bullet point)

Question of the Day:

Would you take free sky diving lessons if offered?

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Testing out a study that shows that morning goodbye kissing husbands (link) live five years longer than their less romantic counterparts. (Homemade, April, 1990)
  • Weekend 'getaway' (Westin downtown) with Amanda this coming weekend.
  • Wireless keyboard.
  • Men's bible study - holding each other accountable.
  • Monster energy drinks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. Awesome fellowship weekend with the dudes. Whidbey island.
  • Intentionality. Friends who care.
  • Natalie. She is amazing friend, and fiancee'.
Question of the Day:
When was the first time you rode a bike? When was the last time?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Danelle is Grateful for

  • A backyard to play ball w/my boys
  • Pastor Mark's sermons
  • My husband

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sleep
  • Red stapler
  • Laughing until I cry
  • Crying until I laugh
  • God's glory

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendship. Fellowship. Going to Whidbey Island with the dudes this weekend.
  • Grace. Knowing that in Him we are free.
  • Natalie. Knowing and being a teammate with such an awesome person.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Commitment. All in for Jesus.
  • Communication. Crisp. Concise. Loving. Direct. Using communication effectively.
  • Clarity. Defined paths.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Don't have to deal with personal income taxes for another year!
  • Sunny Days
  • Healthy family

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • comfortable clothes
  • a Husband that does my taxes
  • pickles

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Learning about prayer. Currently reading "A Praying Life."
  • The forthcoming weekend.
  • Sunny mornings.
Question of the Day:
Coffee or Tea?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • The sunny day!
  • Last nights dinner - Salmon, asparagus, & mashed potatoes!
  • Time to relax last night.
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite season?

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • the show Parenthood
  • oatmeal in the morning
  • getting to see my Husband everyday at work
  • the sunshine
  • vacations

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Getting to have lunch with my husband
  • Good Bible reading time last night/this morning
  • A mother-in-law that sends me encouraging emails
  • Vampire Weekend on Pandora

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. I can let go of my image, to be in His image. He covers us.
  • Friendship.
  • Teamwork. Team finance!

Answer to Question of the Day

I eat both at the same time.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Finishing the Recon
  • More light in our office
  • Having office supplies

Danelle is Grateful For

  • A husband who is handy around the house and has helped remodel two places I call/have called home
  • The adorable way my 2 yr old says "humongeous", that's right, 3 syllables!
  • Great friends who enrich my life more than money

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • apples and peanut butter
  • weekends
  • second trimester....soon
  • doing hair
Question of the Day:
Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cupcake or the cupcake first?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Playing games with friends
  • Quiet time at home
  • A God who has a plan even though I don't know what it is
  • A clean car, thanks to my husband!

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Productive weekend of getting organized
  • Restful weekend
  • the Monday craze that makes the day fly by
  • Yesterday's sermon & church service

Danelle is grateful for

  • sunny weekend
  • seeing new places/travel
  • old friends (as in known a long time, not geriatric)

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Weekends. Had a gorgeous one.
  • Masters. Love watching golf on a perfectly manicured golf course. Augusta!
  • Leadership. Loved Pastor Mark's message last weekend.
  • Ultimate. Love throwing plastic. Love chasing after it.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • A clean desk.
  • The tools I need to 'Crush'.
  • Music (Pandora, Gooveshark, iTunes, etc.).
  • Bright lights for work environment.
  • Making breakfast for Amanda this morning.

Question of the Day:
What are some fun things you like to do on weekends?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Looking at real estate with Amanda.
  • Professionals - people who really know their field.
  • Yummy food.
  • Sunny days.
  • Walking around the park.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Accounting. Love that debits equal credits.
  • Finishing well. Finished the deaconship support. Awaiting report.
  • Leadership Team. Awesome.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • The sunny day
  • Friday - looking forward to a restful and productive weekend
  • Seasoned Carne Asada at TJ's - muy bueno fajitas!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • My college Bible study group
  • Discussing God's word with believers
  • Good communication - makes such a big difference
  • Water - it's clean, we don't walk miles for it, and it makes me feel great

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • New Organizers
  • Clean Office
  • Plenty of supplies

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Learning from leaders at other churches.
  • Working with Tim Beltz - love hanging with him.
  • Facebook - never thought I would say that.
  • Still enjoying the iPad.
  • Being part of a 'Think Tank'.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Technology. iPhone 4.0 comes out. Multi-Tasking
  • Natalie. She is an incredible planner and GTD'er.
  • Our team clean up: A clean office is an happy office.
  • Rally: Our team rallies.

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Prayer time and honest sharing @CG
  • Living the mystery that our life is hidden in Him
  • Health and strength for another day
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite sport to watch?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Leisurely breakfast this morning with my husband
  • Leisurely breakfast occurring at Mighty-O Doughnuts

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. He is the King.
  • Humility. I am not the King.
  • Truth. He speaks. We try to listen.
  • Lies. We try to listen.
  • Love. Is forever.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • My mom & dad - they rock, talked to both last night
  • My sister - she rocks too and always cracks me up! :)
  • Different projects to work on at MHC, fun to have variety.

Answer to Question of the Day

Tie between Ratatouille and Toy Story 2

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • The Super Truck Pen
  • 5 million yellow highlighters
  • A zillion yellow stickies
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite Pixar movie?
Toy Story ('95)
A Bug's Life ('98)
Toy Story 2 ('99)
Monster's Inc. ('01)
Finding Nemo ('03)
The Incredibles ('04)
Cars ('06)
Ratatouille ('07)
WALL-E ('08)
Up ('09)
Toy Story 3
(coming out June 18th)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

Breakfast for dinner
Chill out nights at home

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friends.
  • Support.
  • Jesus.
  • Sola Scriptura.
  • Redemption.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Learning new things at work
  • Carpooling to work with my husband
  • A book stipend - reading "A Praying Life"
  • Belonging to a God who hears our prayers
  • A worshipful Easter weekend!

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Book - Feminine Appeal, it's got a lot of good insight.
  • Music - at work & in the car.
  • When campus staff drop by to say hi (and ask questions too :)) - good to see ya THurst.
  • Staff Appreciation - thanks for the 2 year gift!
  • Randomly running into friends - three times yesterday, woohoo!

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • My Mom who loves the Lord and is a great inspiration
  • My husband for telling the baby about Jesus on Easter
  • the peaches and cottage cheese I am eating to keep from getting queezy
  • Heaters!!!

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Sisters (mine has a bday today)
  • Chocolate (must be dark, 68-70%, milk chocolate need not apply)
  • Coffee (strong then girlied up with cream and sugar)
  • ...the trifecta of coping strategies.
Question of the Day:
What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • "Who's on First" video (found here).
  • Amazing weekend with Good Friday and Easter.
  • Playing with new technology.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • All the kids baptized at WS
  • The testimonies of God's great work at church & through campus blogs
  • 19,000 Easter online viewers
  • Jesus is alive & reigning!
  • Good Friday service - the video, communion (sins paid in full!)
  • Entertainment - saw Clash of the Titans this weekend, hoping it'll be shown at Film & Theology.
  • My new name in the MHC Global address :) Workin' on the name change!
  • Marriage - it rocks!!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • 376 Baptisms : 2 From our Community Group [Matt and Adam]
  • Good Friday : Thankful for the cross. Thankful for every insult.
  • Easter: Thankful that the tomb was empty!
  • Natalie: The way God is orchestrating our relationship.
Question of the Day:
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Good Friday
  • Jesus dying for me and everyone else
  • Great family and friends

Friday, April 2, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Grace. I put Jesus on the Cross.
  • Thanks. Jesus is my atonesment.
  • Praise. Jesus rose.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Good Friday.
  • Dance music.
  • Eating crepes with Amanda on a lazy Friday morning.
  • Learning more about real estate.
  • Dreaming about buying our first home.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Some time to relax & watch a movie last night after moving this week
  • Jesus' sacrifice - looking forward to the Good Friday service tonight
  • Conversations with co-workers this week after being gone for a couple weeks
  • Finding the fast route to work from WS
Question of the Day:
What was the best April Fools joke you heard about yesterday?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Having a car
  • Having a car that runs
  • Having a car that is not on fire! :)
  • Catching it all on video- Priceless!

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My CG ladies and their kids
  • Craig List (makes cleaning out the garage profitable)
  • My MIL who takes such good care of my boys that they LOVE being dropped off @her house

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • The finance team - for making transition back to work smooth and stress-free!
  • For being married - woot woot, I'm loving it!
  • An amazing honeymoon - tons of fun, beautiful scenary, time to relax.
  • All finished moving as of 3/31!
  • Family and friends for helping with pre & post wedding stuff.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Tea with caffeine in the morning.
  • Dave Ramsey's 'Financial Peace University'.
  • Orange sticky notes and orange highlighters.
  • Wonderful friends.
  • Supportive community centered around Jesus.
Question of the Day:
Do you like to take naps?