Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Time reading books together with Amanda.
  • Videos with lots of humor.
  • Fresh fruit.
What do you keep in the trunk of your car?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • God teaching me
  • Great time with family on Sunday
  • Awesome date night Sat at the Gold Class Theater in Redmond!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Replications. Our group just replicated! Awesome!
  • Growth. God is Growing Me!!!
  • Natalie. She and I are learning very much about one another every minute!
  • Wedding Planning. Excited!
What was your most interesting job?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Health - finishing a half-marathon (even though worst time ever).
  • Friends
  • Food
  • Family

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Awesome testimony at Ballard yesterday
  • That Jesus makes us clean (sermon yesterday)
  • Sitting on the porch with my husband last night - good talks
  • Sun today!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Sandy Jaquish (Natalie's Mom). What a gem.
  • Dress Shopping with Natalie and Sandy. It was a classic time. Lots of laughs as a dude.
  • Replication. Difficult season. For a reason.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Waking to health and strength for tasks at hand
  • Ecclesiastes, keeps it simple ya know: eat, drink, work
  • There is still more sun to be had around here, I believe!
What five things are you most thankful for?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The commandment of sleep (bible)
  • The ability to respond to the commandment above (12 hours).
  • Repenting from pushing too hard and not stewarding my time/energy well (confession).
How much time do you spend on your computer outside of work in the average week?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sun & warmth
  • Relaxation outside
  • Summer season is here :)

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Saturday game night with friends
  • Sun - duh!
  • Morning Bible time learning about God's Tabernacle.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Gathering with good friends.
  • Sun peeking around the clouds.
  • Looking forward to running 13 miles :-)

Danelle is Grateful For

  • God is good today
  • God was good yesterday
  • God will be good tomorrow
  • Full-on view of Mt. Rainier on the commute down from Lynn'hood this AM

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendship. Fun time last night waiting for iPhone 4 with CG members.
  • Idolizing Him, not technology. Jesus you are king.
  • Soccer. World Cup.
  • Tennis. Wimbledon.
How many hours of t.v. do you watch in the avg. week?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. That is all you need.
  • 1-0. That is all you need.
  • 91 Minutes. That is all you need.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Community Group
  • U.S. Soccer win
  • Looking forward to visiting my sister
If you could have dinner with anyone in history outside of the Bible, who would it be?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Eating lunch in the sun.
  • The closing date of the house sale moved up to July 15th.
  • My husband agreeing to come to the gym with me tonight :)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Spaghetti
  • Sunshine
  • The Super Truck Pen :)

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Day off tomorrow
  • Warm House
  • Boys sleeping in this morning, house to myself for precious minutes
If you could have dinner with anyone from the Bible bedsides Jesus, who would it be?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Friends getting married
  • Fun getaway to Spokane
  • God's pursuit of His kids :)

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • 9 mile run in the rain - glad I finished.
  • Two-year old who runs toward me when I have food (but runs away if I do not have food).
  • Caffeine in the morning.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • New family member; my SIL is expecting a baby next Spring
  • New perspective after vacation
  • Family time

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Dungeneous Crab
  • Having fun with family
  • Having a productive weekend
  • The World Cup
  • Strength from Jesus

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Natalie. Great fridayte.
  • Belltown. Green and Clean on Saturday was great.
  • Watching Golf. Impossible to know how difficult pebble was this year.
Best place for a quiet time?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

A BUYER FOR OUR HOUSE!!! Still have to get an inspection and appraisal, but the deal should be done by mid-July. Praise and glory to God, our Provider!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A nice dinner
  • The World Cup
  • Coffee
If you had to give up one food forever, what would it be?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lanna is Grateful...

  • That God's ways are so high above me that I can't understand them
  • for spending time with my dear friend and her new daughter
  • for a Mighty-O doughnut breakfast date :) Best $7 date there is!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Natalie: Taking me to Tilth for my birthday. She is amazing.
  • Taste profiles: Organic food.
  • The Discipline of Sleep: Am exhausted.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A great wife
  • A smiling kid
  • A good meal
Favorite quote?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. For bringing me into this world. For loving me when I didn't love him.
  • My Parents. For giving birth 27 years ago.
  • Natalie. For taking me to Kooza (Cirque du Soleil) as a surprise last night.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Running a 5k this morning in less than 30 minutes (Rock and Roll is in 10 days).
  • Inspiring movies.
  • Leaders Who Last.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Family visiting from out of town
  • A nice dinner with family
  • Playing games
Your best Halloween costume?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Dance music.
  • Good conversations with friends.
  • Home cooked meals.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Family - Community Group
  • Queen Anne - Awesome place to live
  • Marshall (natalie's brother) in town.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good run
  • Good dinner
  • The World Cup
Favorite actor and actress?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sunny weekend
  • Camping & hiking with Justin
  • Peter raising the dead thru power of HS in!

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • First sunburn of the year.
  • Running for an hour and getting a small 'runner's high'.
  • Caffeine in the morning.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • God's constant pursuing my heart.
  • The Psalms.
  • A really comfortable memory foam bed...looking forward to crashing early!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Time with family
  • Great weather
  • Great views from Hurricane Ridge
Pool side or on the beach?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Fridays
  • Natalie's brother coming into town.
  • Birthday Party on Saturday! B-Day! Next wed!
  • Family

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Proverbs - love that stuff!
  • Prayer.
  • The basics that we all take for granted: food, shelter, etc.
  • Amanda.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Fridays
  • The World Cup!
  • Better weather this weekend
Favorite sport to play?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Vacations, woot woot!
  • Grateful Accountants
  • Walking by faith

Your first rock concert?

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Bible Study
  • Good friends
  • Good laughs

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendship. Breakfast with my buddy Jesse - Working his tail off on the CFA. Awesome dude.
  • Challenge. I feel challenged at work and outside of work. Growth.
  • Not needing an iPhone4.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • That someone is interested in the house and talking with their bank - Praying!
  • Mighty-O breakfast doughnut dates
  • Biographies, currently reading about George Whitefield
Earliest childhood memory?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • A handy husband (yeh fridge is functional)
  • Psalm 91
  • That God is good yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Grace. Graceful team.
  • Humility. Other's interest > My own.
  • Joy in Suffering. James 1:2.
  • Slow to anger. James 1:19

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • That God's mercies are new every morning and that He supplies our daily bread
  • Bible study that reminds me of these things
  • A wise and brave husband who is willing to make decisions in faith

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Health - hoping to run a half-marathon in a couple of weeks, yikes.
  • Sun.
  • Brownies with peanut butter chunks.
  • Hanging out with Amanda, watching movies.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Community Group
  • Rain
  • Hot Cakes and Sausage
Favorite book?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny days
  • Warm weather
  • Sleep

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sunny days
  • God's glory displayed through His creation
  • Acts - God's word spreading like fire amidst persecution

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Words from the Holy Spirit daily
  • Godly parents
  • Sanctification: God has a better story for my life

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Baptisms. We had a CG member at DT get baptized on Sunday. Praise!
  • Community. We had a great CG discussion last night. Sower!
  • Natalie. We were able to connect after group. Awesome!
  • Pruning. God is pruning me, day after day. Humility!
Best decade for music?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Wedding Registries and the differences between guys and gals.
  • Ultimate Frisbee.
  • Team work.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The sun that will come out tomorrow.
  • Recharging.
  • Dance music.
  • Close friends.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Men's retreat over the weekend
  • Good fellowship
  • Paintball
Favorite sport to watch?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Weddings - God bringing two to one, so awesome!
  • Pastor James preachin' the gospel at the wedding.
  • Being a friend & having friends.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • The weekend.
  • The team we have been gifted with.
  • The Word.
  • Dinner with Natalie

Danelle is Grateful For

  • New ways to understand sanctification
  • Holy Spirit
  • Stuff Christians Like book, seriously hilarious

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Accountability
  • Good friends
  • Laughter
Earliest childhood memory?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Music. Lusine, Sigur Ros, and Discovery (Bands).
  • Nehemiah. Sing!
  • Leadership.
  • Jesus. The King!
  • Seeing Ken Griffey Jr.'s Final Hit

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Proverbs
  • James (the 'NT Proverbs')
  • Summer in Seattle
  • Lives changing for Christ

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Great Bible study last night
  • Learning Romans from John Piper
  • Friends' new baby Nicole!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sun breaks
  • A night of solid sleep
  • Looking forward to men's retreat this weekend
Favorite book of the Bible?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • Grace
  • Family
  • Movies
  • Singing

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Transparency.
  • Teamwork.
  • Togetherness.
  • Triumph (of Jesus).
  • sTicktuitiveness.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • William appears to be better
  • BBQ Pork
  • Jesus

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Jesus.
  • Awesome John Piper sermon on our commute.
  • Ladies' Bible study tonight

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Visiting new community groups
  • Woman at the well - what a worshiper
  • The Holy Spirit & his power to change hearts!
  • Desiring to worship God better & not be judgemental

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • An extra day off :)
  • My Sister - her b-day was yesterday.
  • Hanging with family...lots of it over weekend
  • Friends

Question of the Day:

Favorite color jelly bean?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Teams.
  • College Ultimate.
  • Warm Weather.
  • Sun.
  • A place to peacefully proclaim Jesus.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Long weekends.
  • Living near water.
  • Family.
  • Food.
  • Running around Greenlake.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A long weekend
  • Getting together with old friends
  • Accomplishing much in the yard

Danelle is Grateful For

  • That God is not done with us
  • Family
  • Friends in Christ

Question of the Day:

How often do you exercise in a week?