Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Listening to sermons online
  • A cozy rainy day - yes, I said it
  • The approaching (busy!) fall season
  • Crossing things off my to-do list

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Getting to watch the US Amateur golf championship this weekend.
  • 57 days until Natalie and I lives converge.
  • The weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The finance team at Mars Hill, who are committed to Jesus and the mission and vision of the church.
  • Worship. It's everything we do.
  • Forgiveness.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Having friends and family who support me.
  • Having a team at work who support me.
  • Having a God who carries me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Awesome Staff Conference - both days
  • Vision for MHC
  • God's grace

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Great message from Pastor Dave Bruskas on Tuesday.
  • Fun with MH Staff and a sunny afternoon.
  • Generous donors supporting UDistrict.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Awesome sermon on Greatness yesterday! Grateful that God is the greatest :)
  • Time with friends at Rattlesnake Lake, baking in the sun
  • A refreshing weekend

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • 68 days left of Singleness! Jesus please redeem these days for your glory!
  • Communication!
  • Rest! Thank you Jesus

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Air-conditioning
  • Mars Hill Church
  • Team Finance

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Great date night with Carol for her Birthday
  • Great babysitters! :)
  • Good family time
Peanut butter- creamy or crunchy?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for:

  • Beautiful sunny morning
  • Biking into work
  • Meteor shower last night...saw two before going to bed :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine!
  • Wife back home- She spent a couple days with her girl friends
  • Crushing
What is your highlight of the summer thus far?

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Ladies night out last night
  • Real conversation about real life
  • Summer returned yesterday

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for:

  • Community group last night - meeting neighbors
  • For God's grace; He is so generous
  • For the final book in the Harry Potter series - very entertaining

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. His Grace. Knowing that I am not defined by my mistakes.
  • Jesus. His Sovereignty. Knowing that it is His plan.
  • Jesus. His Glory. Bringing him everything that we do. Inspires.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Time spent with Aunts in town
  • Playing cards
  • Lots of laughter
On what date do you think the audit will be complete (Both Battershell and Clark Number)?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ellen is grateful for:

  • Reading and discussing the Bible with Justin
  • Two mornings of good commutes
  • Family home safe from vacations
  • Homemade scones - yummy :)

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My mom and sis praying with me today when I needed it
  • Happy boys
  • Payday

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Aunts visiting from out of town
  • Great dinner last night
  • Wife's Birthday
How long should out of town guests stay at your house?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Time at home with the Family.
  • Being able to work remotely is such a huge blessing, definitely being in proximity to my family has been refreshing. Been focused on the tasks at hand.
  • Being held to an above reproach standard. This audit is key.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Working in Team Finance
  • Goals
  • That we can be great for the glory of God

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Fun and relaxing weekend
  • God's incredible grace and provision
  • Having my family close by
  • Shark Week on Discovery Channel!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good time with extended family
  • A good message at church
  • Knowing that God is always there

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Dine-in Movie Theater - Central Cinema.
  • Crepes for breakfast.
  • Sarcastic Thursdays :-)
Are you a procrastinator? What do you procrastinate from? How do you overcome it?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for:

  • Justin is home safe from a week of travel!
  • No headache this afternoon :)
  • Hanging out with one of my core group gals last night!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Spending time with wife
  • Looking forward to a weekend visiting extended family
  • waterskiing

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Scripture, especially Psalm 91
  • hearing my 3 year old sing his own rendition of "praise God" with arms raised in his bed last night, so precious!
  • the power of prayer

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Fruit, like fresh cherries.
  • Game night with family.
  • Swimming on a summer day.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Trip home to see family.
  • Tired. Grateful for sleep.
  • Not being defined by how large my to-do list is.
At what outside temperature do you decide to wear shorts instead of jeans?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Food. Natalie and I's wedding reception food tasting.
  • The Blue Angels. Nothing screams summer more here in Seattle.
  • Friendships. Good talks, good friends, good times.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • a wonderful night's sleep!
  • spending time with a good friend tomorrow
  • no mortgage payment :)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Great dinner with extended family
  • Seeing son stand on his own for the first time
  • Another sunny day
Sandals or flip-flops?

Ellen is Grateful for

  • Extra sleep
  • New computer - woot woot
  • Sunny days

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My husband
  • Naptime
  • Double Freedom (living in this country as a Christian)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Spending time with wife and child
  • Getting some sleep
  • Another sunny day
Favorite mobile phone and why?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Baseball. Headed to the Mariners Game tonight.
  • Community. Transparency and reflecting on the glory of Jesus.
  • Moon. He is crushing.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Tought-provoking sermon on Sunday.
  • Desserts out tonight with girlfriends.
  • Yet another sunny day!
  • That I get to be the auntie of a baby girl in December!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Nephews first birthday party
  • Sunny weather
  • Coffee
  • Another good sermon from Mark
What should be included and not included on a good salad?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Great sermons.
  • Brunch.
  • Lazy morning reading a book.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The weekend.
  • Natalie and I's first pre-marriage class.
  • Excited for this weekend. Headed to Ohio.

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Fruit (went and picked blueberries w/my family yesterday)
  • Living in a beautiful part of the country where berries grow (see previous grateful)
  • That Jesus never gives up on us
Favorite trilogy movie series?