Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • An awesome roommate
  • Prayer
  • Sugar cookies
  • Good books
  • Down blankets :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jessica is Grateful for:

  • Redemption - even though it hurts
  • Honesty - even though it hurts
  • Protective Heavenly Father
  • Jesus will wipe every tear from our eye
  • Grace for time off

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mark is Grateful for:

  • God's provision and timing
  • Music. Drums. King's Kaleidoscope.
  • 15 minutes left of sarcasm

Shane is Grateful for...

  • The opportunity to work
  • A team that loves google docs
  • A great night with my Community Group last night

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful For:

9 Days.
Support and Friendship.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • An amazing weekend with evidences of God's grace & love at camp.
  • For Justin being so much fun.
  • Conversation with the women in CG this week. Lots to learn from others' sharing!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Natalie. Her Heart.
  • Friendships.
  • Community! U-N-I-T-Y!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Listening to sermons online
  • A cozy rainy day - yes, I said it
  • The approaching (busy!) fall season
  • Crossing things off my to-do list

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Getting to watch the US Amateur golf championship this weekend.
  • 57 days until Natalie and I lives converge.
  • The weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The finance team at Mars Hill, who are committed to Jesus and the mission and vision of the church.
  • Worship. It's everything we do.
  • Forgiveness.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Having friends and family who support me.
  • Having a team at work who support me.
  • Having a God who carries me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Awesome Staff Conference - both days
  • Vision for MHC
  • God's grace

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Great message from Pastor Dave Bruskas on Tuesday.
  • Fun with MH Staff and a sunny afternoon.
  • Generous donors supporting UDistrict.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Awesome sermon on Greatness yesterday! Grateful that God is the greatest :)
  • Time with friends at Rattlesnake Lake, baking in the sun
  • A refreshing weekend

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • 68 days left of Singleness! Jesus please redeem these days for your glory!
  • Communication!
  • Rest! Thank you Jesus

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Air-conditioning
  • Mars Hill Church
  • Team Finance

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Great date night with Carol for her Birthday
  • Great babysitters! :)
  • Good family time
Peanut butter- creamy or crunchy?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for:

  • Beautiful sunny morning
  • Biking into work
  • Meteor shower last night...saw two before going to bed :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine!
  • Wife back home- She spent a couple days with her girl friends
  • Crushing
What is your highlight of the summer thus far?

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Ladies night out last night
  • Real conversation about real life
  • Summer returned yesterday

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for:

  • Community group last night - meeting neighbors
  • For God's grace; He is so generous
  • For the final book in the Harry Potter series - very entertaining

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. His Grace. Knowing that I am not defined by my mistakes.
  • Jesus. His Sovereignty. Knowing that it is His plan.
  • Jesus. His Glory. Bringing him everything that we do. Inspires.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Time spent with Aunts in town
  • Playing cards
  • Lots of laughter
On what date do you think the audit will be complete (Both Battershell and Clark Number)?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ellen is grateful for:

  • Reading and discussing the Bible with Justin
  • Two mornings of good commutes
  • Family home safe from vacations
  • Homemade scones - yummy :)

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My mom and sis praying with me today when I needed it
  • Happy boys
  • Payday

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Aunts visiting from out of town
  • Great dinner last night
  • Wife's Birthday
How long should out of town guests stay at your house?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Time at home with the Family.
  • Being able to work remotely is such a huge blessing, definitely being in proximity to my family has been refreshing. Been focused on the tasks at hand.
  • Being held to an above reproach standard. This audit is key.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Working in Team Finance
  • Goals
  • That we can be great for the glory of God

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Fun and relaxing weekend
  • God's incredible grace and provision
  • Having my family close by
  • Shark Week on Discovery Channel!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good time with extended family
  • A good message at church
  • Knowing that God is always there

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Dine-in Movie Theater - Central Cinema.
  • Crepes for breakfast.
  • Sarcastic Thursdays :-)
Are you a procrastinator? What do you procrastinate from? How do you overcome it?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for:

  • Justin is home safe from a week of travel!
  • No headache this afternoon :)
  • Hanging out with one of my core group gals last night!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Spending time with wife
  • Looking forward to a weekend visiting extended family
  • waterskiing

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Scripture, especially Psalm 91
  • hearing my 3 year old sing his own rendition of "praise God" with arms raised in his bed last night, so precious!
  • the power of prayer

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Fruit, like fresh cherries.
  • Game night with family.
  • Swimming on a summer day.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Trip home to see family.
  • Tired. Grateful for sleep.
  • Not being defined by how large my to-do list is.
At what outside temperature do you decide to wear shorts instead of jeans?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Food. Natalie and I's wedding reception food tasting.
  • The Blue Angels. Nothing screams summer more here in Seattle.
  • Friendships. Good talks, good friends, good times.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • a wonderful night's sleep!
  • spending time with a good friend tomorrow
  • no mortgage payment :)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Great dinner with extended family
  • Seeing son stand on his own for the first time
  • Another sunny day
Sandals or flip-flops?

Ellen is Grateful for

  • Extra sleep
  • New computer - woot woot
  • Sunny days

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My husband
  • Naptime
  • Double Freedom (living in this country as a Christian)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Spending time with wife and child
  • Getting some sleep
  • Another sunny day
Favorite mobile phone and why?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Baseball. Headed to the Mariners Game tonight.
  • Community. Transparency and reflecting on the glory of Jesus.
  • Moon. He is crushing.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Tought-provoking sermon on Sunday.
  • Desserts out tonight with girlfriends.
  • Yet another sunny day!
  • That I get to be the auntie of a baby girl in December!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Nephews first birthday party
  • Sunny weather
  • Coffee
  • Another good sermon from Mark
What should be included and not included on a good salad?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Great sermons.
  • Brunch.
  • Lazy morning reading a book.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The weekend.
  • Natalie and I's first pre-marriage class.
  • Excited for this weekend. Headed to Ohio.

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Fruit (went and picked blueberries w/my family yesterday)
  • Living in a beautiful part of the country where berries grow (see previous grateful)
  • That Jesus never gives up on us
Favorite trilogy movie series?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Dido on the Jolly Roger!
  • Having good friends over tonight - for a thank you card writing party!
  • God answering prayers to fix Justin's jeep!

Jarrod is Grateful For:

  • 85 days until Marriage. Natalie is such a good teammate.
  • Jolly Roger today. A ton of fun.
  • Friendship. Awesome week of being intentional with friends.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Outdoor movie night.
  • Working with people with a passion for Jesus.
  • Unscheduled weekends.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Having dinner with Mom
  • Waterskiing before work
  • Free cup of coffee!
Favorite radio station?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Family BBQ this weekend
  • Great Bible study last night and challenging talk with the ladies
  • Looking forward to finally having our own place :)
  • the sunny weather - still!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Working out. Great workout yesterday.
  • Intentionality. Meetings with Brady, Dylan, Adam, and William over the past 48 hours.
  • Jesus. He is King!

Danelle is Grateful For

  • 1:1s w/Ellen
  • Sugar-free hazlenut lattes
  • My boys who are so happy in the mornings

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good run with wife and child
  • A good dinner
  • Watching son make new sounds
How often do you wash your car?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Dinner out tonight w/adults only (no Red Robin!)
  • Outdoor outlets so I can work outside
  • Church family

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Reading books with Amanda.
  • Prayers with friends.
  • Long summer days.

Jarrod is Grateful For:

  • Wedding Planning -- Most of the big pieces lined up.
  • Rest -- Feeling weary lately, but have been getting great rest.
  • My toe -- Almost back to normal! No pain, all gain!

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Ladies' Bible study tonight - both the ladies and the study
  • A lovely walk yesterday at Green Lake
  • BBQ'ing summer dinners

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Getting to know new people at CG
  • That I remembered to blog my thanks ;)
  • Sunshine
  • Family wedding over the weekend

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Friends
  • Good dinner
  • Living in Seattle
What old technology do you still own?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Beach day with my boys
  • Sun
  • Reading to my boys about God's awesome covenant of protection (Psalm 91)

Jarrod is Grateful For:

  • Community Group. Great group. All in for Jesus.
  • Rest. It is a commandment.
  • Technology. Makes the audit easier.
  • Our team. Learning a lot. We are becoming a lot smarter and more efficient.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • More sunshine
  • Healthy child
  • Being productive
Favorite breakfast?

Monday, July 26, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny days
  • Family in town visiting
  • Solution for William's rash

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Visits with family.
  • Snowball fight in July.
  • Sleeping in on the weekend.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My home
  • Air conditioning
  • 80s in Seattle, lovin' it!
Favorite thing to do in Seattle on a sunny day?

Jarrod is Grateful For:

  • Sunshine. What a gorgeous weekend.
  • The Cross. The sacrifice.
  • A fun team to work with!

Friday, July 23, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Mom coming into town
  • Car being fixed
  • Bowling yesterday

Jarrod is Grateful For:

  • Bowling with the team was so much fun.
  • Laughing with the team! So much fun.
  • Getting to relax last night at home. Go Mariners!
Favorite mixed drink?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Community - such a blessing to be around so many Jesus worshippers
  • Having friends over for dinner last night
  • Kids and the laughter & joy they have

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Pruning. God is not done w/me & hubby
  • Clarifying words from the HS
  • New season on the horizon for my boys

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Visiting with old friends
  • Waffles for breakfast
  • Laughter and great conversations
For planning personal activities, do you use an on-line calendar or physical day planner?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • My Cousin Craig. Drives into Seattle Tonight.
  • Friendship. Natalie and I are best friends.
  • Camaraderie. Getting to work with a great team.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Family arriving tonight.
  • Long walks in the summer weather.
  • Action movies.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • Summer in Seattle
  • Sleep

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Yet another Mighty-O doughnut breakfast date.
  • C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters." Good reading.
  • Hebrews and what it tells us about our High Priest.
Favorite video game of all time?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • TV series Bones..much entertainment has been received
  • Safe travels for in-laws
  • Exercise

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. King.
  • Surgery to correct my bummed toe!
  • Family. Who love me.
  • Friends. Who support me.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Summer
  • Being productive
  • Family

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Scripture
  • Matt Chandler's sermons on Hebrews
  • Long enough commute to listen to a whole sermon
Most famous person or people that you have met?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Relaxing and productive weekend
  • Time to hang out with Justin
  • Sermon on Sunday - hunger & thirst for Jesus!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Vacation.
  • vAcation.
  • vaCation.
  • vacAtion.
  • vacaTion.
  • vacatIion.
  • vacatiOn.
  • vacatioN.
  • Anyway you spell it.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Safe ride for my hubby this weekend on the STP!
  • Faith, it's a gift
  • That I get to work for my church
Favorite Bumper Sticker?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sun for the morning drive
  • Chatting with family on the phone
  • Laughter :)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Technical support
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup
  • Great family
Do you squeeze your toothpaste from the front or back?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Fantastic weather.
  • Walking by the water in the evening.
  • Community Group guys.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A great wife!
  • A great kid!
  • Pizza

Danelle is Grateful For

  • 1:1 with Ellen
  • Iced lattes
  • Sun, sun, sun!
How fast do you drive over the speed limit?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Park days/fellowship w/CG ladies
  • Working from home outside on the deck w/laptop
  • God filling the vacancies in our rentals, thank you Jesus!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Nice weather
  • Great family
  • Home computer
How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Coupon deals! I scored free paper and stapler at Office Depot last night
  • Jesus
  • My family (immediate, extended, and church varieties)

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Summertime weather.
  • Hiking up mountains.
  • Community Group.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Summer
  • Mochas
  • Warm weather
Favorite cereal?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Our house sale closing on Thursday!
  • One year anniversary on Saturday - marriage is an awesome gift.
  • Surprise anniversary celebration
  • Sisters in Christ and their timely encouragement

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine
  • Getting a lot accomplished over the weekend
  • Jesus

Danelle is Grateful

  • that the "normal" christian life includes miracles
  • that my son Ryan tells me, "you look pretty mama" every morning
  • for the lesson that provision comes from God, faithbuilding
How many times do you hit snooze in the morning?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Finance team. Love you guys.
  • Vacation. Much needed.
  • Weather. Hot. 98 degrees, awesome band.
  • Golf! Ready to hit the pill around.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Waterskiing before work
  • Another sunny day
  • Good friends
What is on your bucket list?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Another sunny day
  • Seeing friends at the wedding last night
  • Justin :)

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Heat. It's what's for dinner.
  • Jesus. Realizing the weight of sin, and knowing that I do not have to carry it. Knowing we have a God who carried it, crushed it, and lives to tell about it.
  • Not finding my identity in where LeBron James ends up choosing to play basketball.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Quiet nights at home when the rest of the house is sleeping
  • Airconditioning
  • Coffee

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Hot and sunny weather
  • Air conditioning
  • Good friends
If you were a gazillionaire, what car would you drive?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Friends getting married..another one today
  • Justin making phone calls for me that I don't want to make :)
  • Sun and warmth...woohooo

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My CG ladies, walking this mom road w/others who love Jesus
  • My mother who continues to pray for me daily
  • Coffee - the nectar of the gods

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine
  • Warm weather
  • A great wife and child

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Working in Finance. Love this team.
  • Sun. What is that globe of awesomeness?
  • Experience with the Audit. Helping mitigate the uncertainty.
Name three things that you think will be obsolete in ten years.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Long weekend
  • Fun with friends
  • God's pursuit of His children

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Dependence on Jesus.
  • Independence as a Country.
  • Ultimate Frisbee.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A great vacation
  • Boogie-boarding
  • Very little sun burn

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Cool neighbors
  • Sunshine
  • My flowers at home
Trivia: Indirectly, what country helped the Union Army win the Civil War? Just guess.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • I'm logged in from home, yippee!
  • At least small slivers of sunshine today
  • Boys that are old enough to walk by themselves, we're shedding the "baby gear" stage

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Ultimate - Playing Potlatch this weekend!
  • Pho? - Dinner with Natalie.
  • Soft Serve - McDonalds is the best soft serve until I try RedMango.
If you could have one super human power, what would it be?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Time off next week
  • Great Bible study and dinner last night with friends
  • God's relentless pursuit of us as our Rescuer

Danelle is Grateful For

  • I finally planted all my plants that I bought like a month ago (check one off the to-do list)
  • House remodel is coming together and my space is conforming to my vision
  • Anticipation for a season of outdoor fun in the sun (today's weather not withstanding)

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Faith. Jesus. Mercy.
  • Working out. Love it.
  • The first half of the year.
What person in the Bible do you most closely identify with?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Time reading books together with Amanda.
  • Videos with lots of humor.
  • Fresh fruit.
What do you keep in the trunk of your car?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • God teaching me
  • Great time with family on Sunday
  • Awesome date night Sat at the Gold Class Theater in Redmond!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Replications. Our group just replicated! Awesome!
  • Growth. God is Growing Me!!!
  • Natalie. She and I are learning very much about one another every minute!
  • Wedding Planning. Excited!
What was your most interesting job?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Health - finishing a half-marathon (even though worst time ever).
  • Friends
  • Food
  • Family

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Awesome testimony at Ballard yesterday
  • That Jesus makes us clean (sermon yesterday)
  • Sitting on the porch with my husband last night - good talks
  • Sun today!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Sandy Jaquish (Natalie's Mom). What a gem.
  • Dress Shopping with Natalie and Sandy. It was a classic time. Lots of laughs as a dude.
  • Replication. Difficult season. For a reason.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Waking to health and strength for tasks at hand
  • Ecclesiastes, keeps it simple ya know: eat, drink, work
  • There is still more sun to be had around here, I believe!
What five things are you most thankful for?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The commandment of sleep (bible)
  • The ability to respond to the commandment above (12 hours).
  • Repenting from pushing too hard and not stewarding my time/energy well (confession).
How much time do you spend on your computer outside of work in the average week?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sun & warmth
  • Relaxation outside
  • Summer season is here :)

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Saturday game night with friends
  • Sun - duh!
  • Morning Bible time learning about God's Tabernacle.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Gathering with good friends.
  • Sun peeking around the clouds.
  • Looking forward to running 13 miles :-)

Danelle is Grateful For

  • God is good today
  • God was good yesterday
  • God will be good tomorrow
  • Full-on view of Mt. Rainier on the commute down from Lynn'hood this AM

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendship. Fun time last night waiting for iPhone 4 with CG members.
  • Idolizing Him, not technology. Jesus you are king.
  • Soccer. World Cup.
  • Tennis. Wimbledon.
How many hours of t.v. do you watch in the avg. week?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. That is all you need.
  • 1-0. That is all you need.
  • 91 Minutes. That is all you need.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Community Group
  • U.S. Soccer win
  • Looking forward to visiting my sister
If you could have dinner with anyone in history outside of the Bible, who would it be?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Eating lunch in the sun.
  • The closing date of the house sale moved up to July 15th.
  • My husband agreeing to come to the gym with me tonight :)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Spaghetti
  • Sunshine
  • The Super Truck Pen :)

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Day off tomorrow
  • Warm House
  • Boys sleeping in this morning, house to myself for precious minutes
If you could have dinner with anyone from the Bible bedsides Jesus, who would it be?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Friends getting married
  • Fun getaway to Spokane
  • God's pursuit of His kids :)

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • 9 mile run in the rain - glad I finished.
  • Two-year old who runs toward me when I have food (but runs away if I do not have food).
  • Caffeine in the morning.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • New family member; my SIL is expecting a baby next Spring
  • New perspective after vacation
  • Family time

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Dungeneous Crab
  • Having fun with family
  • Having a productive weekend
  • The World Cup
  • Strength from Jesus

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Natalie. Great fridayte.
  • Belltown. Green and Clean on Saturday was great.
  • Watching Golf. Impossible to know how difficult pebble was this year.
Best place for a quiet time?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

A BUYER FOR OUR HOUSE!!! Still have to get an inspection and appraisal, but the deal should be done by mid-July. Praise and glory to God, our Provider!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A nice dinner
  • The World Cup
  • Coffee
If you had to give up one food forever, what would it be?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lanna is Grateful...

  • That God's ways are so high above me that I can't understand them
  • for spending time with my dear friend and her new daughter
  • for a Mighty-O doughnut breakfast date :) Best $7 date there is!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Natalie: Taking me to Tilth for my birthday. She is amazing.
  • Taste profiles: Organic food.
  • The Discipline of Sleep: Am exhausted.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A great wife
  • A smiling kid
  • A good meal
Favorite quote?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. For bringing me into this world. For loving me when I didn't love him.
  • My Parents. For giving birth 27 years ago.
  • Natalie. For taking me to Kooza (Cirque du Soleil) as a surprise last night.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Running a 5k this morning in less than 30 minutes (Rock and Roll is in 10 days).
  • Inspiring movies.
  • Leaders Who Last.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Family visiting from out of town
  • A nice dinner with family
  • Playing games
Your best Halloween costume?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Dance music.
  • Good conversations with friends.
  • Home cooked meals.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Family - Community Group
  • Queen Anne - Awesome place to live
  • Marshall (natalie's brother) in town.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good run
  • Good dinner
  • The World Cup
Favorite actor and actress?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sunny weekend
  • Camping & hiking with Justin
  • Peter raising the dead thru power of HS in!

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • First sunburn of the year.
  • Running for an hour and getting a small 'runner's high'.
  • Caffeine in the morning.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • God's constant pursuing my heart.
  • The Psalms.
  • A really comfortable memory foam bed...looking forward to crashing early!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Time with family
  • Great weather
  • Great views from Hurricane Ridge
Pool side or on the beach?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Fridays
  • Natalie's brother coming into town.
  • Birthday Party on Saturday! B-Day! Next wed!
  • Family

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Proverbs - love that stuff!
  • Prayer.
  • The basics that we all take for granted: food, shelter, etc.
  • Amanda.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Fridays
  • The World Cup!
  • Better weather this weekend
Favorite sport to play?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Vacations, woot woot!
  • Grateful Accountants
  • Walking by faith

Your first rock concert?

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Bible Study
  • Good friends
  • Good laughs

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendship. Breakfast with my buddy Jesse - Working his tail off on the CFA. Awesome dude.
  • Challenge. I feel challenged at work and outside of work. Growth.
  • Not needing an iPhone4.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • That someone is interested in the house and talking with their bank - Praying!
  • Mighty-O breakfast doughnut dates
  • Biographies, currently reading about George Whitefield
Earliest childhood memory?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • A handy husband (yeh fridge is functional)
  • Psalm 91
  • That God is good yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Grace. Graceful team.
  • Humility. Other's interest > My own.
  • Joy in Suffering. James 1:2.
  • Slow to anger. James 1:19

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • That God's mercies are new every morning and that He supplies our daily bread
  • Bible study that reminds me of these things
  • A wise and brave husband who is willing to make decisions in faith

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Health - hoping to run a half-marathon in a couple of weeks, yikes.
  • Sun.
  • Brownies with peanut butter chunks.
  • Hanging out with Amanda, watching movies.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Community Group
  • Rain
  • Hot Cakes and Sausage
Favorite book?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny days
  • Warm weather
  • Sleep

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sunny days
  • God's glory displayed through His creation
  • Acts - God's word spreading like fire amidst persecution

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Words from the Holy Spirit daily
  • Godly parents
  • Sanctification: God has a better story for my life

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Baptisms. We had a CG member at DT get baptized on Sunday. Praise!
  • Community. We had a great CG discussion last night. Sower!
  • Natalie. We were able to connect after group. Awesome!
  • Pruning. God is pruning me, day after day. Humility!
Best decade for music?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Wedding Registries and the differences between guys and gals.
  • Ultimate Frisbee.
  • Team work.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The sun that will come out tomorrow.
  • Recharging.
  • Dance music.
  • Close friends.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Men's retreat over the weekend
  • Good fellowship
  • Paintball
Favorite sport to watch?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Weddings - God bringing two to one, so awesome!
  • Pastor James preachin' the gospel at the wedding.
  • Being a friend & having friends.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • The weekend.
  • The team we have been gifted with.
  • The Word.
  • Dinner with Natalie

Danelle is Grateful For

  • New ways to understand sanctification
  • Holy Spirit
  • Stuff Christians Like book, seriously hilarious

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Accountability
  • Good friends
  • Laughter
Earliest childhood memory?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Music. Lusine, Sigur Ros, and Discovery (Bands).
  • Nehemiah. Sing!
  • Leadership.
  • Jesus. The King!
  • Seeing Ken Griffey Jr.'s Final Hit

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Proverbs
  • James (the 'NT Proverbs')
  • Summer in Seattle
  • Lives changing for Christ

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Great Bible study last night
  • Learning Romans from John Piper
  • Friends' new baby Nicole!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sun breaks
  • A night of solid sleep
  • Looking forward to men's retreat this weekend
Favorite book of the Bible?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • Grace
  • Family
  • Movies
  • Singing

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Transparency.
  • Teamwork.
  • Togetherness.
  • Triumph (of Jesus).
  • sTicktuitiveness.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • William appears to be better
  • BBQ Pork
  • Jesus

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Jesus.
  • Awesome John Piper sermon on our commute.
  • Ladies' Bible study tonight

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Visiting new community groups
  • Woman at the well - what a worshiper
  • The Holy Spirit & his power to change hearts!
  • Desiring to worship God better & not be judgemental

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • An extra day off :)
  • My Sister - her b-day was yesterday.
  • Hanging with family...lots of it over weekend
  • Friends

Question of the Day:

Favorite color jelly bean?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Teams.
  • College Ultimate.
  • Warm Weather.
  • Sun.
  • A place to peacefully proclaim Jesus.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Long weekends.
  • Living near water.
  • Family.
  • Food.
  • Running around Greenlake.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A long weekend
  • Getting together with old friends
  • Accomplishing much in the yard

Danelle is Grateful For

  • That God is not done with us
  • Family
  • Friends in Christ

Question of the Day:

How often do you exercise in a week?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Leadership.
  • Jesus.
  • James 1 verse 2.
  • Memorial Day WEEKEND!!!
  • Excitement! Adrenaline!

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Amanda.
  • Breakfast sandwiches.
  • Direct feedback.
  • Orange stickies and highlighters.
  • Sunny days.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Rain
  • Long weekends
  • Getting together with friends

Question of the Day:

Favorite board game or group game to play?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • John 17
  • My college Bible study girls
  • Relationships

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Caffeine
  • Sleep
  • Teamwork
  • Sun
  • Oh, have I said 'sun' recently?

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Conviction of the Holy Spirit
  • Mars Hill Church
  • My sons' sweet faces in the morning

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • A roof. Clothes. A Job.
  • A fiance.
  • A Car.
  • A family that loves me.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Time with son
  • Sleep
  • A good meal

Question of the Day:

Snowboarding or skiing?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good night's sleep
  • A good home cooked meal
  • A car

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Natalie's Cooking. Bomb.
  • Patience. Learned more about Lost than I ever wanted to know. Interesting show concept.
  • His sovereignty. Seeing him work in a lot of people lately. As usual. So encouraging!

Question of the Day:

Longest time you have been without showering? Why?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Smooth payroll
  • Getting some online CC access...woohoo
  • Watched the legalism/sabbath sermon on Sunday & it was hilarious! Praise for the new covenant!

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • My husband's heart for volunteers and wanting to teach them about Jesus
  • Two new volunteers for income - they're great!
  • A new Bible study on the tabernacle and God's desire to dwell with us
  • Our house in Marysville...even though we're trying to get rid of it!
  • Vacation in 5 weeks

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Payday
  • Holiday weekend
  • Completing tasks

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Putt Putt with my community Group.
  • Coffee with Natalie.
  • ProMax Protein Bars
  • Microsoft Excel!
  • Report C - Does a department good.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • A good beer
  • A good talk
  • Jesus

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Learning
  • Singing
  • Running
  • Health
  • Humor

Question of the Day:

Biggest pet peeve?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • God healing my back Fri night :)
  • Bridal shower at the house yesterday
  • productive weekend
  • God's grace

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Swing Music:
  • My Health
  • Music: Caribou : Swim / Music: Apparat : Walls
  • DeskTask is an awesome program.
  • Teamwork.

Danelle is Grateful For

  • New perspective on move to Lynnwood (it's been 1 year!)
  • Great preaching @MHC
  • Being part of a team

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Verizon Fios
  • Good sermons
  • Good quiet times

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • (almost) winning at Texas Hold'em.
  • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage seminar with Amanda and her parents.
  • House hunting with mother-in-law.
  • Learning more about communication.
  • Sun.

Question of the Day:

What is the oldest piece of clothing that you still wear? How old is it?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • And...Griffey, bottom of the ninth, game winning RBI!! Players rush Griffey...brought me back to '95!

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • My core group girls & studying the Bible
  • Fellowship
  • Answers to small prayers

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Friends
  • Coffee
  • Just feeling good.
Baseball. Awesome.
Dartmouth. Friendships.
Ultimate. Frisbee.
Suncadia. Although not sunny.
Jesus. Rock.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Bottom of the ninth, game gets tied 3-3, Ken Griffey Jr. comes up to the plate, crowd goes wild, Jr. drops the ball in deep right field, Mariner's clear the bench to celebrate! Ellen gives double high-five to everyone around :-)
  • $2 hotdog while watching the Mariner's with Team Finance.
  • Watching a squirrel scurry across a powerline two stories up... Squirrel!
  • Family in town - blessing to have great in-laws.
  • Lots of sun yesterday even though it was supposed to rain all day.

Question of the Day:

Funniest thing that ever happened to you on a date?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Baby sitter
  • Transportation
  • Communication

Question of the Day:

Longest you have gone without shaving?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendships. Great friends.
  • Rick Battershell. Great conversation.
  • Training. Frawd.
  • Sun and Rain. Need both.
  • Accounting. I love it.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Justin & his joyfulness
  • Pot roast
  • Having my car back

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Technology
  • Family
  • Good food
  • Making connections
  • Naps

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Community Group
  • The internet
  • Quiet times

Question of the Day:

Favorite movie?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Allergy symptoms decreasing
  • Family
  • Nephews!
  • Hiking

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Vacation in 6 weeks
  • 1-year anniversary in 8 weeks
  • Women's worship night last Friday
  • Starting a new ladies' Bible study tomorrow night!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Lobster on sale at QFC
  • Barbequeing
  • Going for a good run

Question of the Day:

Favorite Seattle Park?

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Continuing to learn and grow.
  • God keeping me humble.
  • Good Friday 2010 music: click here!
  • Mercy & grace.
  • Power tie with jeans.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Girlfriends who take me out to lunch and pedi for my b-day
  • Brothers (my "little" bro is 32 today)
  • Sons who remind me to sing "Jesus song" at bedtime every night

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Good weekends
  • Barbequeing with friends
  • Laugter

Question of the Day:

Favorite Seattle restaurant?

Friday, May 14, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny Days
  • Hot cakes and sausage
  • Free Mocha Samples

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • 'Crepes Friday' with Amanda.
  • New life being born - Gavin Sheffield: healthy. happy, good eater, and super pooper.
  • Sun, sun sun.
  • Jamming to music.
  • Dinner with good friends this weekend.

Question of the Day:

Best sporting event you have witnessed?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Vacation in 6 weeks!
  • Sunshine, duh.
  • My brother's law school graduation tomorrow.
  • For a husband that knows how to build a fence in his sleep, and praying that it helps us sell the house!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Sunee.
  • Coffee.
  • Frisbee.
  • Jeesus.
  • Bees.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • My college bible study girls
  • Lots of friends getting married this summer
  • Sun, it!

Danelle is Grateful for:

  • New kitchen countertops today, yipeee!!!
  • Hubby at home so I don't have to supervise new countertops install
  • Sunshine

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine
  • Bible Study
  • Great conversations

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Guy's Bible study.
  • Being real.
  • Getting accountability.
  • Providing accountability.
  • Praying for each other.

Question of the Day:

Best sitcom of all time?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sun again!
  • God. He cares so much for us!
  • The Word & its truth.

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Doctors
  • Good communication
  • Church community

Danelle is Grateful fo

  • Grandparents for my boys
  • Woodland Park Zoo
  • Great books

Question of the Day:

Favorite cartoon growing up?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Forgiveness.
  • Community.
  • Grace.
  • Friendships.
  • Microsoft Excel. Adobe Acrobat.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sun
  • working out
  • all the fun goodness over the weekend
  • my Mom

Question of the Day:

Sock, Sock, Shoe, Shoe? or Sock, Shoe, Sock, Shoe:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

A new volunteer! Suzanne will start next Tuesday to help with processing the stack. Thank you, Jesus for answering prayer.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Spontaneously deciding to go to a Mariner's game with Amanda.
  • Mariner's deciding to win (in fact, winning 8-1!).
  • Sun, sun, sun all weekend long.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Mom's
  • Campfires
  • Big family gatherings

Question of the Day:

Peanut Butter: Creamy or crunchy?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Danelle is grateful for

  • New babies (baby Sheff is beautiful)
  • Enjoyable family relationships
  • Seafood

Friday, May 7, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny days
  • Being productive
  • Friends

Question of the Day:

Favorite Dessert?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sunny days.
  • Fruitful meetings.
  • Wonderful wife.
  • Crock pots.
  • Tools to get the job done.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Extra help from Team Finance while I get up and running on income.
  • 11 hours of sleep last night. Yep, 11.
  • Two whole days off and that they are supposed to be sunny.
  • Weekly Thursday Mighty-O breakfast-dates with my husband, and the French Toast doughnut I ate.

Danelle is grateful for

  • that God is immutable, good, and therefore trustworthy
  • that he communicates with us in stories
  • that he is master Author

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Transportation
  • Freedom
  • Smiles

Question of the Day:

What is your favorite country or city that you have visited?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Date night at Gameworks last night :)
  • God and all He's done for us!
  • Check signers today - thanks Fred & Rick

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sleeping in.
  • Goodwill hunting (hunting at the store, and the '90s movie).
  • Discovery Park.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • Quiet Times
  • Good Communication
Question of the Day:

What album / song have you been listening to recently?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Day off in the middle of the week (with nothing scheduled).
  • Mike and Ike candy
  • Amanda's cooking (rocking the crock pot)
  • Clarity
  • Scripture

Danelle is grateful for

  • Entire businesses geared for little boys to run out their energy (Pump it Up - Lynnwood)
  • A people mover of an SUV that can also haul an entire pallet of laminate flooring (1800 lbs) with room left over
  • Sunshine

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Time and motivation to organize at home.
  • Garbage/recycling services not being on strike anymore!
  • Hugs from Justin :)
  • Sunday's sermon & the Centurians faith

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Laughter

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Sun. I actually need sunglasses.
  • Vision. Having the Holy Spirit and His ability to convict and help develop plans is awesome.
  • Community. Knowing that God is bigger than any individual.

Question of the Day:

Do you make your bed every morning?

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Fun date night at Serious Pie.
  • Reading "This Momentary Marriage" by John Piper with my husband.
  • A sunny morning.
  • Spinning class tonight at the gym...hopefully.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Pizza night at home.
  • Hanging out with Amanda.
  • Continuing to learn.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Weekends. I need rest and regeneration with the Holy Spirit.
  • Date Night. I am looking forward to a date night with Natalie.
  • Team Work. I am excited for our team work over the last couple of weeks.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Good health.
  • Wonderful marriage.
  • Kick butt team.
  • Loving family.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Forgiveness.
  • Reconciliation.
  • Regeneration.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Sleeping like a rock last night
  • My Chiropractor...again
  • Insurance
  • Family
  • Bible discussions

Question of the Day:

Peanut butter & jelly sandwich or cheese sandwich?

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • A good night's sleep.
  • Date night on Saturday.
  • Explosions in the Sky on Pandora.
  • Getting to see some old friends tomorrow.
  • The Psalms.

Danelle is grateful for

  • My sons' cheerfulness
  • That God brought me to MHC-Staff
  • Retail therapy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Seattle Restaurant Week = Cheap Salties dinner!
  • Women's prayer day, great study!
  • Wedding pics came in and are amazing!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus.
  • Relaxation.
  • Regeneration.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Kutless concert.
  • Hard work paying off.
  • Red stapler. :-)
  • Excel spreadsheets - geeky, I know.

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Swimming pools
  • Good work outs
  • Sports in general

Question of the Day:

What was your favorite childhood toy?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Brownies
  • Moose Tracks Ice Cream
  • Pretty much any dessert

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • A sunny drive to work
  • Encouraging Scriptures
  • My husband that praying over me
  • That God is determined to make me more like Jesus

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Protection in car accident Sat
  • Chiropractors
  • Movies
  • Reese's peanut butter chips - make some excellent cookies!

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Finishing Tasks
  • Groupon
  • Friends to vacation with

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Double-sized room on the 43rd floor of the Westin... $75.
  • Parking for Tom to visit... $12 (plus $20 of scam tax).
  • Playing Texas Hold'em with great friends while overlooking Seattle... Priceless.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Opening Day of Fishing
  • Catching small trout
  • Having a great time with the guys while fishing

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My 2-yr old telling me daily, "Momma, I yuvva you"
  • Faith
  • Friendly neighbors

Question of the Day:

Did you become a Christian at Mars Hill?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The City Church
  • Learning from other professionals
  • Geeking out with others

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Screencasts
  • Weekends
  • Friends and family

Question of the Day:

What's the weirdest food you have eaten?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Financial Peace University (FPU).
  • Being debt-free.
  • The God-given desire to help people.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Trader Joe's, they help dinners be fast, good, easy, and cheap
  • Label printer = fast, easy organization
  • Pivot tables

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • my husband being a good planner
  • Mighty-O Doughnut Thursdays
  • That Thursdays are my Fridays

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • The Golden Arches
  • The Egg McMuffin
  • Hot Cakes and Sausage

Danelle is Grateful fo

  • The Japanese Maple in my front yard, it's glorious
  • Colors
  • The show Parenthood, actors are amazing

Question of the Day:

Have you every driven a Jeep? When? Where?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Lake City letting a non-prof use their building this Sat
  • Dark Chocolate
  • My college small group

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Team. I am grateful for our team in the finance department.
  • Training. AICPA Annual Update for Controllers.
  • Technology. The ability to have instant access to technical information makes learning so easy and affordable.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Really moving John Piper sermon I listented to in the car this morning
  • Getting our own space for a week while house sitting for my parents!
  • A quiet rainy day.

Question of the Day:

Toothpaste: Squeeze from Top or Bottom?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • A relaxful weekend.
  • Spartacus the TV show, very entertaining, kinda gruesome
  • Justin, he makes me laugh, smile, etc.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. Prayed over a new Christian in our group yesterday! Praise!
  • Training. Getting trained in Bellevue.
  • Friends. Fellowship is so important in my life.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Tidy yard
  • A home
  • Family

Danelle is Grateful For

  • Warm spring days
  • 4 Hours of relaxation @Habitude yesterday
  • Living Social and Groupon (see previous bullet point)

Question of the Day:

Would you take free sky diving lessons if offered?

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Testing out a study that shows that morning goodbye kissing husbands (link) live five years longer than their less romantic counterparts. (Homemade, April, 1990)
  • Weekend 'getaway' (Westin downtown) with Amanda this coming weekend.
  • Wireless keyboard.
  • Men's bible study - holding each other accountable.
  • Monster energy drinks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. Awesome fellowship weekend with the dudes. Whidbey island.
  • Intentionality. Friends who care.
  • Natalie. She is amazing friend, and fiancee'.
Question of the Day:
When was the first time you rode a bike? When was the last time?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Danelle is Grateful for

  • A backyard to play ball w/my boys
  • Pastor Mark's sermons
  • My husband

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sleep
  • Red stapler
  • Laughing until I cry
  • Crying until I laugh
  • God's glory

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friendship. Fellowship. Going to Whidbey Island with the dudes this weekend.
  • Grace. Knowing that in Him we are free.
  • Natalie. Knowing and being a teammate with such an awesome person.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Commitment. All in for Jesus.
  • Communication. Crisp. Concise. Loving. Direct. Using communication effectively.
  • Clarity. Defined paths.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Don't have to deal with personal income taxes for another year!
  • Sunny Days
  • Healthy family

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • comfortable clothes
  • a Husband that does my taxes
  • pickles

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Learning about prayer. Currently reading "A Praying Life."
  • The forthcoming weekend.
  • Sunny mornings.
Question of the Day:
Coffee or Tea?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • The sunny day!
  • Last nights dinner - Salmon, asparagus, & mashed potatoes!
  • Time to relax last night.
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite season?

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • the show Parenthood
  • oatmeal in the morning
  • getting to see my Husband everyday at work
  • the sunshine
  • vacations

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Getting to have lunch with my husband
  • Good Bible reading time last night/this morning
  • A mother-in-law that sends me encouraging emails
  • Vampire Weekend on Pandora

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. I can let go of my image, to be in His image. He covers us.
  • Friendship.
  • Teamwork. Team finance!

Answer to Question of the Day

I eat both at the same time.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Finishing the Recon
  • More light in our office
  • Having office supplies

Danelle is Grateful For

  • A husband who is handy around the house and has helped remodel two places I call/have called home
  • The adorable way my 2 yr old says "humongeous", that's right, 3 syllables!
  • Great friends who enrich my life more than money

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • apples and peanut butter
  • weekends
  • second trimester....soon
  • doing hair
Question of the Day:
Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cupcake or the cupcake first?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Playing games with friends
  • Quiet time at home
  • A God who has a plan even though I don't know what it is
  • A clean car, thanks to my husband!

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Productive weekend of getting organized
  • Restful weekend
  • the Monday craze that makes the day fly by
  • Yesterday's sermon & church service

Danelle is grateful for

  • sunny weekend
  • seeing new places/travel
  • old friends (as in known a long time, not geriatric)

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Weekends. Had a gorgeous one.
  • Masters. Love watching golf on a perfectly manicured golf course. Augusta!
  • Leadership. Loved Pastor Mark's message last weekend.
  • Ultimate. Love throwing plastic. Love chasing after it.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • A clean desk.
  • The tools I need to 'Crush'.
  • Music (Pandora, Gooveshark, iTunes, etc.).
  • Bright lights for work environment.
  • Making breakfast for Amanda this morning.

Question of the Day:
What are some fun things you like to do on weekends?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Looking at real estate with Amanda.
  • Professionals - people who really know their field.
  • Yummy food.
  • Sunny days.
  • Walking around the park.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Accounting. Love that debits equal credits.
  • Finishing well. Finished the deaconship support. Awaiting report.
  • Leadership Team. Awesome.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • The sunny day
  • Friday - looking forward to a restful and productive weekend
  • Seasoned Carne Asada at TJ's - muy bueno fajitas!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • My college Bible study group
  • Discussing God's word with believers
  • Good communication - makes such a big difference
  • Water - it's clean, we don't walk miles for it, and it makes me feel great

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • New Organizers
  • Clean Office
  • Plenty of supplies

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Learning from leaders at other churches.
  • Working with Tim Beltz - love hanging with him.
  • Facebook - never thought I would say that.
  • Still enjoying the iPad.
  • Being part of a 'Think Tank'.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Technology. iPhone 4.0 comes out. Multi-Tasking
  • Natalie. She is an incredible planner and GTD'er.
  • Our team clean up: A clean office is an happy office.
  • Rally: Our team rallies.

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Prayer time and honest sharing @CG
  • Living the mystery that our life is hidden in Him
  • Health and strength for another day
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite sport to watch?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Leisurely breakfast this morning with my husband
  • Leisurely breakfast occurring at Mighty-O Doughnuts

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus. He is the King.
  • Humility. I am not the King.
  • Truth. He speaks. We try to listen.
  • Lies. We try to listen.
  • Love. Is forever.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • My mom & dad - they rock, talked to both last night
  • My sister - she rocks too and always cracks me up! :)
  • Different projects to work on at MHC, fun to have variety.

Answer to Question of the Day

Tie between Ratatouille and Toy Story 2

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • The Super Truck Pen
  • 5 million yellow highlighters
  • A zillion yellow stickies
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite Pixar movie?
Toy Story ('95)
A Bug's Life ('98)
Toy Story 2 ('99)
Monster's Inc. ('01)
Finding Nemo ('03)
The Incredibles ('04)
Cars ('06)
Ratatouille ('07)
WALL-E ('08)
Up ('09)
Toy Story 3
(coming out June 18th)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

Breakfast for dinner
Chill out nights at home

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Friends.
  • Support.
  • Jesus.
  • Sola Scriptura.
  • Redemption.

Lanna is Grateful for...

  • Learning new things at work
  • Carpooling to work with my husband
  • A book stipend - reading "A Praying Life"
  • Belonging to a God who hears our prayers
  • A worshipful Easter weekend!

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Book - Feminine Appeal, it's got a lot of good insight.
  • Music - at work & in the car.
  • When campus staff drop by to say hi (and ask questions too :)) - good to see ya THurst.
  • Staff Appreciation - thanks for the 2 year gift!
  • Randomly running into friends - three times yesterday, woohoo!

Kristin is Grateful for:

  • My Mom who loves the Lord and is a great inspiration
  • My husband for telling the baby about Jesus on Easter
  • the peaches and cottage cheese I am eating to keep from getting queezy
  • Heaters!!!

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Sisters (mine has a bday today)
  • Chocolate (must be dark, 68-70%, milk chocolate need not apply)
  • Coffee (strong then girlied up with cream and sugar)
  • ...the trifecta of coping strategies.
Question of the Day:
What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • "Who's on First" video (found here).
  • Amazing weekend with Good Friday and Easter.
  • Playing with new technology.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • All the kids baptized at WS
  • The testimonies of God's great work at church & through campus blogs
  • 19,000 Easter online viewers
  • Jesus is alive & reigning!
  • Good Friday service - the video, communion (sins paid in full!)
  • Entertainment - saw Clash of the Titans this weekend, hoping it'll be shown at Film & Theology.
  • My new name in the MHC Global address :) Workin' on the name change!
  • Marriage - it rocks!!

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • 376 Baptisms : 2 From our Community Group [Matt and Adam]
  • Good Friday : Thankful for the cross. Thankful for every insult.
  • Easter: Thankful that the tomb was empty!
  • Natalie: The way God is orchestrating our relationship.
Question of the Day:
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Good Friday
  • Jesus dying for me and everyone else
  • Great family and friends

Friday, April 2, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Grace. I put Jesus on the Cross.
  • Thanks. Jesus is my atonesment.
  • Praise. Jesus rose.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Good Friday.
  • Dance music.
  • Eating crepes with Amanda on a lazy Friday morning.
  • Learning more about real estate.
  • Dreaming about buying our first home.

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • Some time to relax & watch a movie last night after moving this week
  • Jesus' sacrifice - looking forward to the Good Friday service tonight
  • Conversations with co-workers this week after being gone for a couple weeks
  • Finding the fast route to work from WS
Question of the Day:
What was the best April Fools joke you heard about yesterday?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Having a car
  • Having a car that runs
  • Having a car that is not on fire! :)
  • Catching it all on video- Priceless!

Danelle is Grateful For

  • My CG ladies and their kids
  • Craig List (makes cleaning out the garage profitable)
  • My MIL who takes such good care of my boys that they LOVE being dropped off @her house

Ellen is Grateful for...

  • The finance team - for making transition back to work smooth and stress-free!
  • For being married - woot woot, I'm loving it!
  • An amazing honeymoon - tons of fun, beautiful scenary, time to relax.
  • All finished moving as of 3/31!
  • Family and friends for helping with pre & post wedding stuff.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Tea with caffeine in the morning.
  • Dave Ramsey's 'Financial Peace University'.
  • Orange sticky notes and orange highlighters.
  • Wonderful friends.
  • Supportive community centered around Jesus.
Question of the Day:
Do you like to take naps?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine.
  • Team Finance.
  • Pizza parties.
  • Donuts.
  • Walking around the block in nice weather.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • The decrease of interruptions this week, which leads to the ability to focus.
  • My friend Matt Powell's membership interview last night!
  • Two people from our CG are getting baptized on Sunday.

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Sunny Days
  • Rainy Days
  • Everyday!
  • Community group

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Grace, as I put Jesus on the cross.
  • Love, as I feel supported and on the same team as my fiance'.
  • Teamwork, which is growing in our department.
  • Friendship, which has been growing in our community.
  • Service, to hear that queen anne is putting in anti-graffit paint in counterbalance park. Awesome.

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Fun blogs that make me laugh
  • Friends who come over for dinner and give me decor advice
  • Easter

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Cowboy hat that make me look over seven feet tall.
  • Walking around barefoot Saturday afternoon.
  • Yummy fruit.
  • My red stapler.
  • Singing songs in the car.

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus! Who is teaching me to "Be" first then "Do", rather than "Do" then "Be"!
  • Top Pot Doughnuts and Cafe' Vita Coffee!
  • Playing Ultimate in 40 degrees, wind, and rain. It's not really "Ultimate"!
  • Conversations with the parents with regards to Wedding Planning!
  • My Fiancee'!

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • William's first Birthday!
  • Birthday cake!
  • William attacking the cake with both hands!
  • Cake all over William! :)
  • William smiles over his accomplishment and artwork! :)

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Godly parents
  • Spring - new growth and flowers
  • My home

Friday, March 26, 2010

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The HBO show "Band of Brothers".
  • Orange juice... with pulp.
  • Amanda taking care of me.
  • Taking care of Amanda.
  • The excitement Amanda has for spontaneously deciding to go see George Strait in concert tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kristin is Grateful!

  • Getting to see the baby's heartbeat today and seeing the little bugger!
  • new bigger home!
  • I am so grateful for naps!
  • I am grateful that we get to go to the movie next week and dinner! yahoo!

Danelle is Grateful for

  • Jesus
  • Husband who is funny, faithful and hard-working
  • Two healthy darling boys who delight and exasperate me daily
  • Being on a team (fun), being on a team that loves Jesus (awesome!)

A.J. is Grateful for:

  • Husky Basketball!
  • Husky Football!
  • Anything to do with the University of Washington! :)

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • Sleeping in until noon on occasion.
  • Warm bed to sleep in.
  • The ability to seek God's wisdom at any time, at any place, under any circumstances.
  • Dave Kraft's book "Leader Who Last".
  • Amanda knowing my favorites and constantly blessing me... "that counts."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Sunshine
  • Warm weather
  • The Mondo Burrito!
  • Two Punch Monday at Taco Del Mar! :)

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus and the Cross.
  • Identity not in my career.
  • Ability to work hard, out of my identity in Jesus.
  • Teamwork. I love teams.
  • Friendships. Gotta have them.

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The Trunk Monkey - I hope this makes the HR email, 'Just for Fun' link (click the link for good laughs).
  • Discovering new and meaningful aspects of a scripture that I have already read many times.
  • Fantastic wedding last Friday.
  • Ferry trips to Bainbridge Island.
  • Dancing to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' :-)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jarrod is Grateful for:

  • Jesus.
  • Engagement with Natalie.
  • Weddings.
  • Trainings.
  • Community.

AJ is Grateful for:

  • Jesus
  • Wife
  • Child
  • Housing
  • Job

Jackson is Grateful for:

  • The start of Spring - what is that yellow orb in the sky?
  • My loving wife.
  • Sharing withholds with Amanda and coming closer together.
  • Team Finance, we know how to party :-)
  • Giving kids hi-fives!